Departament of Theory and History of Architecture and Communication Techniques - (THATC) - 756
Branchat Tigel, Maria Inmaculada | Tel: 934016420

Departament of Architectural Design - (PA ) - 735
Corbera Munne, Marta | Tel: 934016388

Departament of Architectural Technology - (TA) - 753
Gonzalez Rodriguez, Rosario | Tel: 934016387

Departament of Architectural Representation - (RA) - 752
Guijarro Fayol, Olga | Tel: 934016384

Department of Urbanism, Territory and Landscape - (UTP ) - 740
Rodriguez Molina, Carmen | Tel: 934016402

ETS Arquitectura de Barcelona
Av. Diagonal, 649-651
08028 Barcelona