: aula C-B5
: Amb data de lectura
This thesis documents the conceptualization, development, and prototyping of Barcelona Corners Net, a digital platform that reimagines Barcelona as an open-air museum, offering visitors a curated exploration of the city’s heritage through themed exhibitions. The projects wants to be a dynamic map system designed to promote the act of wandering through Barcelona’s streets, a slow yet meaningful exploration. More specifically, the project’s website and app are the key tools for accessing and interacting with the map system. The project’s collective museum aspect invites everyone to participate as co-curators. Through a combination of expert curation and contributions from the public, Barcelona Corners’ Net offers a diverse narrative of Barcelona’s artistic heritage. In addition, the project aims to serve as a digital archive, the platform ensures that Barcelona’s rich landscape is safeguarded and accessible to future generations. This thesis will have a particular focus on the curation of one single exhibition, Visual Barcelona, spotlighting graphic design, motif/pattern, brand identity and particular images. This exhibition features a 100 pieces categorized by technical specifications and thematic motifs, including MUST 10, Modernism Facade, BCN Graphic Stars, Today’s Studios, Mes lleig que un pecat and March-April Campaign. Ultimately, Barcelona Corners Net aims to celebrate Barcelona’s cultural richness by offering a unique and immersive experience that invites locals and visitors to explore Barcelona in new and meaningful ways.

: aula C-B5
: Amb data de lectura
Aquesta tesi explora l'impacte de la Indústria 4.0 en petits productors i artesans, abordant la bretxa tecnològica que amenaça amb marginar-los en el futur del comerç minorista. La hipòtesi central suggereix que l'adopció de tecnologies avançades, actualment dominades per grans empreses, podria excloure o subordinar aquests petits actors si no es desenvolupen intervencions específiques. Sense accés a recursos tecnològics avançats, es veurien obligats a integrar-se en sistemes controlats per gegants del comerç electrònic, sacrificant la seva autonomia. La proposta se centra en la creació de OrigenHub Barcelona, una xarxa de centres de distribució i comercialització als mercats municipals. Aquests hubs funcionaran com a magatzems automatitzats i punts de recollida, permetent als petits productors i artesans accedir a tecnologies avançades sense perdre la seva independència. La implementació de centres de distribució a menor escala, recolzats per tecnologies de la Indústria 4.0, és essencial per assegurar la participació inclusiva i independent dels petits productors i artesans en el comerç minorista. Aquesta solució preserva l'autonomia i la identitat dels productors locals, permetent-los competir en igualtat de condicions en un entorn minorista en constant evolució. La tesi destaca la necessitat d'un disseny estratègic que combini tecnologia avançada amb accessibilitat, proporcionant una plataforma equitativa i sostenible per als petits actors del comerç digital.

: aula C-B6
: Amb data de lectura
Depression and anxiety are mental health disorders that one in four people suffer from during their lifetime, with a lot of effects on one’s life. Preventative measures can delay or even stop the onset of depressive and anxiety disorder and its associated damaging effects. The hypothesis of this project: “Mental health symptoms of depression and anxiety in children can be delayed in a group-based school setting through design.” To answer the research question and confirm the hypothesis research was conducted on different aspects of the prevention of mental health disorders, an expert was contacted and a user test was done to validate the proposed design. The proposed design is a toolkit that teaches children about problem-solving techniques and applying those techniques to problems they can encounter in their daily lives, to delay depressive or anxiety symptoms. The toolkit places the problem in the middle of the board where the children can place their emotions that are connected to the problem scenarios discussed. They write down multiple solutions which they will discuss together to find the best solution to the problem. The toolkit consists of a board, a soft ball that represents the problem,  different balls that represent emotions, different sets of cards for example scenarios and writing down solutions, and an erasable scenario card. After feedback from an expert and a user test, it was found that certain aspects work well within the toolkit such as the visualization, the playful approach, and the problem-solving approach. Other things can be improved such as looking at an individual and group part and improving certain aspects of the toolkit, such as the sets of cards. For future work, it is also necessary to work together with an expert and conduct more user tests to improve the design and reach better conclusions regarding the hypothesis. However, the toolkit helps children learn problem-solving techniques which can indeed delay depressive and anxiety ment

: aula C-B5
: Amb data de lectura
Este trabajo de investigación y proposición se ha realizado como trabajo final de máster en la especialidad de Diseño Contemporáneo, parte del curso MBDesign. El propósito del trabajo es generar una base teórica para la creación de un nuevo sistema de mobiliario que fomente la generación de nuevos vínculos sociales en el entorno urbano. El proyecto consta de dos fases principales. La primera fase se centra en la generación de un marco teórico, que se basa en la consulta de bibliografía y artículos académicos, complementada con la observación in situ de antecedentes y estudios de caso en la ciudad de Barcelona. La segunda fase es práctica, enfocada en el diseño y desarrollo de una propuesta de mobiliario urbano que responda a las necesidades específicas de los usuarios y del entorno. El resultado final es un sistema de mobiliario adaptable tanto al entorno como a la estética del mobiliario existente, contribuyendo así a la homogenización del paisaje urbano y mejorando la funcionalidad de los espacios públicos. Se concluye que la generación de nuevos vínculos sociales en un sitio específico depende, entre otros factores, de la funcionalidad y adaptabilidad del mobiliario presente. El sistema propuesto no solo se integra en la ciudad de Barcelona, sino que la metodología utilizada también podría ser aplicable a otros contextos urbanos.

: aula C-B6
: Amb data de lectura
In today's increasingly diverse and fast-changing work environments, mobile modular workspaces have emerged to occupy an important place in the modern workplace with their excellent adaptability and efficiency. For a cosmopolitan city such as Barcelona, this study designs and explores mobile modular workspaces suitable for urban corners, aiming to provide a temporary and comfortable office environment for residents as well as people coming to work or travel here. The design of these spaces takes into account the demands of work and the rapidly changing urban environment, prioritizing sustainability and user experience. This paper shows how mobile modular workspaces can redefine the nature of the modern workspace through the modular, mobile, and user-centered nature of their design, providing an ideal solution for modern city dwellers seeking a flexible and convenient work environment. This workspace model not only adapts to current needs, but also provides reference and inspiration for similar challenges that other cities around the world may face.

: aula C-B5
: Amb data de lectura
Developing countries need better public infrastructure for promoting urban lifestyle and better urban identity. India being one of the faster developing countries, its need for infrastructure is growing at an unprecedented rate catering to high densities of urban and semi-urban population. But due to the lack of skilled workers and use of old insitu techniques in building construction the speed, cost, quality and design of construction is hampered at large. Though now India looks ready to accept the change in its building construction techniques and accept newer ways. Precast/fab in building construction is one of the most suitable technology to tackle the current issues. The thesis project investigates the current state of building construction and design to understand the scope of its integration with precast/fab technology in building construction along with use of generative design tools and other software to rationalize and improvise the designs. The project tries to understand the context (climate, technology, logistics) and user (culture, habitation) to develop or design a few different components made by precast technique and re-imagine the contemporary building identity of the place.

: aula C-B6
: Amb data de lectura
The objectives for this project are to research and catalog existing and emerging DIY building methods and sustainable building materials, and to identify opportunities for making these methods more sustainable. This involves conducting thorough research to document current DIY building techniques and sustainable materials, and evaluating their environmental impact and availability. The project will focus on pinpointing areas where sustainability can be enhanced within existing DIY practices. For example, some updates to DIY building methods might include using recycled materials, improving energy efficiency, and reducing waste. By advancing these methods, we aim to make DIY building more environmentally responsible and accessible.

: aula C-B5
: Amb data de lectura
This thesis analyses the aspect of sustainability in the fashion industry, with particular focus on plant-based leathers and textiles and their potential uses across various fields. The work also proposes an example of a sustainably produced line of bags whose characteristics aim at ensuring that the product lasts over time. This example can be used as a model of sustainable production that can be applied to different areas of the world. The goal is to show how design can be used as a tool to convey ideals and achieve sustainability in the whole production process, from sourcing the raw material to the end product.

: aula C-B6
: Amb data de lectura
One of Barcelona's current challenges is the severe lack of green space, which averages approximately 6.6 m2 per person, while the WHO recommends between 10 and 15 m2. This issue is particularly concerning in the district of Ciutat Vella and the neighbourhood of El Raval, which has historically dealt with failed regeneration projects and conflicts revolving around illegal activities. Therefore, the study aims to design and implement a network of green spaces in El Raval as a form of urban acupuncture to act as a catalyst for positive change, enhancing neighbourhood security and resident well-being. A site walk was conducted to identify eleven spots for the green network: five existing and six that have the potential to be transformed. Out of these, two sites were selected for detailed analysis and design. A survey and interviews with residents of El Raval were conducted to gather information about their preferences on design elements, usage, materials and safety. Taking into account the survey and interview results, three design alternatives were drafted for each site using Unity. Using these preliminary design alternatives, an extensive public participation process, consisting of three public meetings with feedback integration cycles, was outlined to show how the community would get involved and prepare the sites for implementation. The design proposal enhances the south of El Raval by transforming public spaces and including the residents to create areas for relaxation, recreation and social interactions. The design alternatives envision the space’s potential, providing an interactive method for participants to visualise and switch between the alternatives in real-time. The participation process provides a transformational approach to urban planning in El Raval by using immersive displays and fostering accountability and transparency, creating a reproducible model for future interventions at the local level.

: aula C-B5
: Amb data de lectura
In the following research thesis the relationship of three main concepts is addressed: architecture, light and emotion, understanding that architecture is not only a matter of physical structures and materials, but also has the power to evoke sensations in people, here delves into how architecture has the ability to communicate supported by the theory of the revolutionary architect Etienne Louis Boullée, who spent much of his life dedicated to his relevant architectural works developing his theory on talking architecture, where he mentions that architecture communicates through scale, form, materiality, void and light. Every line, every shape and every design choice can convey a message and provoke an emotional response in whoever experiences it; However, in order to ensure that architecture creates emotional responses in people, it is important to talk about light, based on Peter Zumthor’s ideas about the interaction between light and materiality, where he maintains that they are intrinsically linked and together they can generate a variety of emotional sensations in the occupants of a building. He maintains that by carefully choosing materials and manipulating the entry of light, emotion can be created. In this order of ideas, it is understood that thanks to the interaction of light with the architectural space, architecture is transformed into a catalyst of emotions, that is, thanks to the shaped interaction of light with the elements that architecture uses to communicate. (scale, materiality, form and void) architecture is capable of provoking people’s minds. Based on the theories of Boulee and Zumthor, it is established that architecture is not only a construct of materials and functions, it is a means of communication, a story to tell through its lines and volumes. Thus the project creates a union between architecture and light, whose interaction gives meaning for the people.

: aula C-B5
: Amb data de lectura
It is well-known that the general situation of many feral cats is poor. The sight of these miserable creatures, convinces us to help those who are struggling to survive. But should we? Isn’t it better to leave the cats alone and grant them complete freedom? These questions are the center of the debate of animal agency and the context of this research. The current systems for housing and isolating cats in animal shelters frequently disregard this agency, resulting in environments that fail to meet their physical, social, and emotional needs. Housing and quarantining cats present significant challenges for shelters, as conditions can rapidly change due to fluctuating populations and disease outbreaks. Often, this leads to inhumane living conditions for the feline residents when considering animal agency. This design proposal aims to address this concern by presenting a playhouse for quarantined cats that treats them as equal beings. By integrating elements of socialization and enrichment into the housing system, quarantine periods better suit their needs. Additionally, the playhouse is modular, allowing it to be easily adapted to various shelter conditions, infrastructures, and situations, thereby facilitating the effective management of all cats and their housing. The research begins by examining the natural behaviors of cats and rethinking the human-animal relationship to understand their physical and psychological needs. It then studies animal shelters, highlighting the neglect of cat agency and identifying areas for improvement in housing and management. Case studies from shelters in diverse contexts offer practical insights into the limitations of current housing and isolation setups. A comprehensive analysis of all aspects of quarantine follows, including disease control, shelter management, and the mental and physical well-being of cats.

: aula C-B6
: Amb data de lectura
Aquest text presenta un enfocament multidimensional per abordar els reptes que planteja el plàstic d’un sol ús, l’eliminació de residus i la gestió dels recursos. Té com a objectiu dissenyar un sistema de reciclatge transversal que reutilitzi el plàstic PET reciclat en làmpades 3D, mostrant el potencial del sistema de codi obert i comunitari. Els objectius clau inclouen transformar els materials de rebuig en productes funcionals i visualment atractius, promoure la participació de la comunitat, defensar pràctiques de consum sostenibles i fomentar la innovació mitjançant l’intercanvi de coneixement de codi obert. La hipòtesi suggereix que mitjançant esforços col·laboratius i iniciatives de conscienciació, les persones i les comunitats poden contribuir a construir una societat més sostenible i conscient del medi ambient.

: aula C-B6
: Amb data de lectura
Streets lying ahead is a speculative design project situated in 2070, roughly 50 years after it was made in 2024. With this project I aim to question several problems of our days. All the problems I deal with are connected to each other. In order to be able to come up with a speculative solution, I have to pinpoint one problem, and hope that the solution can be an answer to the other problems. First and foremost, I want to focus on the energy crisis arriving shortly. The world is trying to come up with green and sustainable solutions as the overconsumption of energy (and other goods) has a huge impact on climate change. The project focuses on designing a concept that captures the essence of a speculative future world. A key characteristic of this future is the lack of public transport due to an energy crisis. Consequently, I have decided to create a human-powered public transport vehicle to fill this gap in the future transportation system. This vehicle will prioritize energy efficiency and sustainability, ensuring practicality for real-world application under ideal conditions. Additional details are discussed in the design section of the thesis. "The vast possibilities of our great future will become realities only if we make ourselves responsible for that future."~ Gifford Pinchot Regarding to our future I can only agree with Gifford Pinchot, the first Chief of the US Forest Service, regarded as the father of American Conservation for his relentless dedication to the protection of America’s forests. Living in a country with high energy consumption and low reserves I decided to invite speculative design to model a world, where following green activists’ attack of the only nuclear power plant of the country providing half of its electricity, society has to find the solution to survive. When speculating about future I chose a utopia instead of a dystopia as I am convinced of the feasibility of, and I want to believe in a world where people can unite

: aula C-B6
: Amb data de lectura
My passion for art, paper and sustainability, combined with my desire to create objects, led me to explore the creation of my brand and studio, Paper Ink Notebooks Company. I studied and analyzed a wide range of international brands committed to creating sustainable products and established brands that rely on tradition to ignore change. I research materials of the future and explore how to transform the waste of a traditional product like leather into a new material. I also explored the transition from paper to digital as this is an inevitable change we will experience and part of the philosophy that will shape future brand products. The studio is designed to grow over time, covering products like printed illustrations (paper), art and fashion (ink), book editing, and notebooks (notebooks). Its focus will be designing circular products. The first product being The blue book. Notebooks created to elevate the art of fast renewable source paper and showcase the potential of up-cycling traditionally crafted material waste (Second skin). The prototypes were made by hand utilizing art processes that can be industrialized for mass production. This process allowed me to learn and explore the potential for creating a sustainable, vegan and compostable notebook that delivers high-quality paper for artists, writers and those who, like me, love paper.

: aula C-B6
: Amb data de lectura
This thesis begins by discussing the challenges and opportunities that global population aging presents to the consumer market, emphasizing the need for innovative solutions to meet the travel needs of older adults. Subsequently, the paper collects data from 121 elderly individuals through online surveys and combines it with previous research to analyze the benefits of elderly travel, as well as their travel motivations, characteristics, and barriers to traditional travel. The aim is to better cater to the travel needs and experiences of today’s elderly population. Furthermore, to enhance the travel experience of virtual tourism, we com pare traditional physical travel with virtual tourism, analyzing the potential advantages of virtual tourism in addressing the limitations and stressors of traditional travel for older adults. Additionally, we refined the timeline of virtual tourism by studying the strengths and weaknesses of existing virtu al travel products and we decided to create a virtual travel experience which supports part of scenarios can be used mixed with reality so that elderly people can free from the “cage” of VR. Finally, to develop virtual tourism products tailored specifically for older adults, we consider the role of Virtual Reality (VR) technology in establishing emotional connections with users and enhancing their travel experiences. Moreover, we propose strategies to increase user engagement in virtual travel, such as using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to assist users in travel planning and simulating tactile, auditory, and olfactory sensations to pro vide a more immersive experience.

: aula C-B5
: Amb data de lectura
Los museos de arte en Barcelona son deficientes en accesibilidad comunicativa para visitantes con poca o baja visión. Este proyecto de máster se centra en la creación de una herramienta de tratamiento de imagen, que traduce colores a sonidos con el objetivo de crear una experiencia multisensorial. Se inicia a través de una investigación bibliográfica, en la cual se descubren las barreras comunicativas que existen en los museos de arte, al analizar la información y contexto de las obras expuestas. Además, se realiza una entrevista cualitativa que involucra al usuario con ceguera. A partir de la entrevista y la investigación, se comprenden las necesidades de un visitante con discapacidad visual. La etapa inicial del diseño incluye el análisis de las necesidades del usuario, y se continúa con una fase de prototipaje. Esta etapa de prototipaje emplea el uso de Sinfonía Sensorial, la herramienta generada que traduce colores a notas musicales. Se realizan pruebas, asegurando la accesibilidad visual para todos los públicos. A partir de la traducción de colores a sonidos, se generan canciones representando las obras visuales y un audiovisual, para crear una experiencia totalmente inclusiva y apta para todo público. Se finaliza con una propuesta de implementación para llevar a cabo la experiencia en el Museo Picasso. El resultado de este proyecto no solo proporciona una estrategia práctica para mejorar la accesibilidad comunicativa en los museos de arte, sino también una reflexión más amplia sobre la importancia de la inclusión en el ámbito cultural/artístico. En este trabajo se resaltan las capacidades perceptivas y cognitivas de las personas con discapacidades visuales para comprender y crear obras artísticas. Se espera que este trabajo inspire a otros profesionales para que adopten enfoques inclusivos en sus prácticas, promoviendo una mayor equidad en el diseño de experiencias.

: aula C-B5
: Amb data de lectura
Les recents reformes legals han elevat l'estatus dels animals, reconeixent-los com a "éssers sentents" i promovent el seu benestar en resposta a l'abandonament animal i la dominació humana sobre ells. En aquest context, la tinença responsable implica obligacions i condicions que les persones han de complir per assegurar la protecció i el benestar dels animals. Davant d'això, una campanya visual de sensibilització busca corregir percepcions errònies sobre la convivència amb els animals de companyia i promoure un comportament responsable que correspongui a la perspectiva de l'animal com a subjecte. Per a això, es realitza una investigació acadèmica basada en consultes bibliogràfiques de fonts primàries per comprendre el nou paradigma definit per científics i professionals. A més de la revisió teòrica, es fan entrevistes qualitatives a responsables i voluntaris de cinc protectores de Barcelona, centrant-se en els animals acollits, el procés d'adopció, els adoptants, els criteris de valoració i les opinions sobre el curs de formació obligatori per la llei. Aquesta investigació proporciona una visualització de la realitat des de diferents perspectives. Un cop identificats els problemes reals en les relacions humà-animal, s'estableixen els missatges a difondre per a la campanya. El procés iteratiu del disseny implica proves, modificacions i avaluacions fins a arribar al resultat final, validat amb responsables de les entitats de protecció animal. El projecte conclou amb una estratègia detallada de la campanya, una identitat visual, una base de missatges i directrius de Direcció d'Art que guien el desenvolupament de la campanya.

: aula C-B5
: Amb data de lectura
El següent Treball Final de Màster tracta sobre la representació del Disseny Gràfic i la Direcció d'Art en la Indústria Musical. Es pretén analitzar la influència i evolució del disseny gràfic i la direcció d'art en la música, usant el cas d'estudi dels Premis Grammy, arribant a proposar una nova categoria centrada en les formes digitals de visualitzar un àlbum. Es parteix de l'interès per comprendre com es premia el disseny en els Grammy i com aquest premi pot influir en les inversions artístiques dels artistes en la Direcció d'Art. Encara que els Premis Grammy són coneguts per la seva excel·lència musical, s'usen com a cas d'anàlisi per ser els únics grans premis que on es premia el disseny gràfic d'àlbums en les seves categories. El projecte inclou recerques bibliogràfiques sobre l'origen i consum de la música, anàlisi de gèneres musicals i dades de nominacions als premis per a establir criteris de nominació. Com a proposta de disseny, es planteja dissenyar un esdeveniment que presenti una nova categoria, centrant la temàtica en la imatge gràfica digital, el futur del disseny musical.

: aula C-B5
: Amb data de lectura
Avui dia, a causa dels diferents sistemes lingüístics i ubicacions geogràfiques, sorgeixen barreres culturals naturals entre les persones. a més, al costat del disseny de fonts no té una perspectiva des de la dimensió temporal i del sistema d'escriptura. Per tant, aquest projecte presenta un sistema interactiu per a la tipografia xinesa i llatina. Aquest sistema inclou una extensa plataforma digital, cinc aplicacions mòbils i una sèrie de derivacions comercials. La plataforma digital permet que els usuaris comprenguin l'evolució de les lletres llatines i els caràcters xinesos des de l'antiguitat fins al present i la creació tipogràfica basada en això. Les cinc aplicacions divideixen les funcions de la plataforma digital, respectivament a l'evolució de l'alfabet llatí, l'evolució dels caràcters xinesos, la creació tipogràfica per a usuaris principiants, la creació tipogràfica per als mitjans i la creació tipogràfica per als experts. A més, la sèrie de derivació comercial inclou carcasses de mòbils, bosses i samarretes que es pot trobar a les aplicacions. L'aportació seria l'exploració de l'evolució tipogràfica intercultural, la naturalesa altament interactiva de l'aprenentatge i la creació, la multifuncionalitat en eines i jocs educatives, i innovació en tipografia. En funció de la flexibilitat i l'escalabilitat, continuarà expandint els seus límits en el futur, desenvoluparà l'evolució de diferents sistemes d'escriptura i plataformes de disseny de fonts i esdevindrà una eina d'aprenentatge i una base de coneixements en evolució.

: Vilanova
: Amb data de lectura
La tesis describe los museos en términos de sus orígenes, desarrollo, evolución y papel cambiante en la sociedad moderna. Los museos se enfrentan a retos sin precedentes debido a los rápidos cambios sociales, la disminución de la financiación pública, las innovaciones tecnológicas, los cambios demográficos y las expectativas cambiantes del público. Estos retos no sólo han provocado tensión y ansiedad entre el personal de los museos, sino que también han dado lugar a un cambio gradual hacia una orientación más informal y lúdica de los museos con el fin de atraer a más visitantes y aumentar su satisfacción. A través del análisis bibliográfico y la observación in situ, hemos identificado que la mayoría de los museos actuales no aprovechan de manera óptima los espacios grises y presentan una débil conexión entre estos y las áreas de exposición. Mediante entrevistas y cuestionarios dirigidos a diseñadores de espacios, curadores y visitantes, hemos analizado sus percepciones y sugerencias sobre la utilización de los espacios grises en los museos contemporáneos (espacios grises: áreas de transición y descanso, como pasillos, vestíbulos, etc.) y hemos desarrollado nuestras ideas personales. Hemos diseñado y desarrollado un sistema que combina cajas físicas móviles y tecnología de proyección interactiva, adecuado para ser aplicado en los espacios grises de los museos con el objetivo de aumentar su utilización, establecer una mejor conexión con las salas de exposición, y adaptarse de manera más efectiva a las diversas necesidades de los visitantes. Este sistema tiene como fin mejorar la satisfacción general de los visitantes al transformar los espacios grises en áreas funcionales e interactivas que enriquecen la experiencia museística. El informe también analiza la necesidad y las ventajas de instalar un sistema de este tipo en los museos, y toma la exposición Gaudí: Transience is Eternity, actualmente expuesta en el Museo de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Wuhan (China),

: Vilanova
: Amb data de lectura
An architectural plugin which helps architects to improve their design according to the culture and climate of each city of Iran .This plugin gets help from AI for analysis the cultural and climate context and gives suggestions for the openings and materials which helps to sustainability and reduce Energy consumption .

: Vilanova
: Amb data de lectura
We propose a transformative initiative, TABBY Charge, to revolutionise transportation in Nigeria through the design and development of an electric vehicle (EV) specifically tailored for the Nigerian market. By leveraging the TABBY EVO platform and prioritising simplicity, affordability, and sustainability, we aim to create an EV that can be locally assembled, significantly reducing Nigeria's reliance on imported vehicles. This venture not only addresses Nigeria's growing transportation needs but also promotes economic growth, creates jobs, and contributes to a greener future.

: Vilanova
: Amb data de lectura
This thesis presents the design and development of an intuitive, user-friendly application specifically tailored for critical search and rescue (SAR) operations. The primary focus of this research is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of SAR teams. By automating data processing and task management, the application aims to reduce the cognitive load on personnel, allowing them to perform their duties more efficiently under stressful and time-sensitive conditions. Key features of the application include a user-centric interface designed to ensure ease of use, even in high-pressure scenarios. The visual design incorporates clear and comprehensible icons, calming color schemes, and an efficient layout that allows for quick access to essential functions. Offline capabilities ensure that SAR teams can access critical information and tools even in remote areas without connectivity. Additionally, AI-supported automated processes such as form filling and task allocation significantly reduce administrative burdens, thereby increasing the speed and accuracy of operations. The application also includes continuous training and development support, providing SAR personnel with personalized learning paths to continuously improve their skills and knowledge. This integration of AI technologies and user-friendly interface design aims to streamline communication, enhance decision-making, and improve operational outcomes during critical incidents. In conclusion, the study demonstrates that the incorporation of AI-enhanced, user-centric interfaces can substantially improve the operational efficiency and effectiveness of SAR operations. The insights gained from this research offer valuable contributions to the future design and implementation of AI-driven tools for emergency response applications.

: Vilanova
: Amb data de lectura
This thesis aims to design a mobile application, Infosaurus, that helps users manage information overwhelm by providing bite-sized, relevant, and necessary information given the current digital context. The app is targeted at professionals, students, researchers, and general users who need to process large volumes of data/information efficiently. By leveraging the power of AI and Machine Learning technology, Infosaurus aims to tame the information jungle by simplifying information to make it digestible so users can decide which products to buy without feeling overwhelmed. Through user-centered design, gamification elements, and advanced data summarization techniques, Infosaurus seeks to simplify information consumption, enhance decision-making, and ensure user engagement and accessibility.

: Vilanova
: Amb data de lectura
Este Trabajo Final de Máster aborda la problemática de los trabajadores inmigrantes en los invernaderos de Almería, un sector crucial para la economía local pero caracterizado por condiciones laborales y de vida precarias. Se identifica y analiza exhaustivamente la situación actual de estos trabajadores, destacando las deficiencias en vivienda, seguridad laboral, acceso a servicios básicos y salud. A través de un estudio detallado de necesidades de los trabajadores y otros actores clave, se identifican áreas prioritarias de intervención. El estudio se complementa con una revisión de referentes y precedentes que ofrecen soluciones viables y sostenibles. Se presentan posibles soluciones que incluyen el diseño de alojamientos modulares y básicos, adaptados a las necesidades específicas de los trabajadores inmigrantes. La solución final propuesta incorpora tecnologías IoT y AI para optimizar recursos y mejorar la calidad de vida de los residentes. Además, se considera el impacto ambiental de estas soluciones, proponiendo prácticas sostenibles que reduzcan la huella ecológica del sector agrícola en Almería.

: Vilanova
: Amb data de lectura
Esta investigación académica aborda, desde el ámbito del diseño, cómo se pueden incorporar herramientas digitales utilizadas en ciudades inteligentes en escenarios no tradicionales, como los asentamientos urbanos informales. Se enfoca en la aplicación de un gemelo digital en el proceso de diseño de espacios públicos de forma colaborativa entre diseñadores y ciudadanos. Para sustentar el desarrollo de la propuesta, se estructura una base teórica que comienza con la definición y características de la mejora de asentamientos informales, considerada como una alternativa viable para otorgar una mejor calidad de vida a sus habitantes. Posteriormente, se exponen los principales componentes de un gemelo digital urbano y se propone un nuevo enfoque para su uso a escala barrial, integrando la participación ciudadana en su implementación. Finalmente, con el objetivo de involucrar a los ciudadanos en el proceso, se profundiza en el concepto de diseño urbano colaborativo. De esta manera, surge la propuesta de VLICO, una plataforma digital que conecta a ciudadanos, diseñadores (profesionales o estudiantes) y gestores de proyectos urbanos (ayuntamientos o universidades). Para ello, se ha diseñado una estructura basada en tres fases distintas: configuración, simulación e interacción, definiendo interfaces diferentes según las necesidades de cada actor. Finalmente, se ha elegido a San José de Yarinacocha, ubicado en la región de Ucayali, Perú, como escenario para representar cada una de las etapas diseñadas, componiendo tanto la interfaz para diseñadores como la de los ciudadanos. Para ello, se ha realizado un levantamiento fotogramétrico utilizando un vehículo aéreo no tripulado, del cual se ha obtenido una nube de puntos que sirve como base para el modelo tridimensional del gemelo digital propuesto.

: Vilanova
: Amb data de lectura
El ambiente hospitalario, especialmente en las salas de urgencias, es un entorno complejo que enfrenta desafíos significativos relacionados con el manejo del estrés de pacientes y personal médico. El proyecto EMCare: Support Platform propone una solución innovadora basada en inteligencia artificial (IA) para transformar la experiencia en urgencias hospitalarias. Focalizándose en una fase exploratoria de investigación y diseño centrado en el usuario, EMCare identifica y analiza las principales fuentes de estrés, mejorando la comunicación, gestión emocional y eficiencia operativa. Mediante técnicas como User Personas y User Journey Maps, se capturan las necesidades de los usuarios, fundamentando la hipótesis de que una plataforma guiada por IA puede mejorar significativamente la satisfacción del usuario y reducir emociones negativas. El proceso de desarrollo incluye ideación, prototipado y pruebas iterativas, garantizando una solución técnicamente viable y adaptada a las necesidades emocionales de los usuarios. EMCare no solo promete establecer nuevos estándares en la atención urgente en Barcelona, sino que también puede servir como modelo en otras regiones, marcando un precedente en la aplicación de la IA en la medicina de urgencias y sentando las bases para futuras investigaciones y desarrollos.